Πρότυπα καθορισμένα από το χρήστη
Τα πρότυπα εκτύπωσης είναι διαθέσιμα μετά την εγκατάσταση του ETS και δομούνται ως εξής:
Filename | Content | Additional Information |
AVERY Zweckform L4731.dot |
L4731: Office area, white in color, also removable |
AVERY Zweckform L6008.dot |
L6008: Manufacturing area, silver in color, polyester |
AVERY Zweckform L4732.dot |
The message in MS Word "Error! Filename not specified." only indicates in a printout that no more devices are present in the project and the associated image path can then not be found. It is not an error.Unfortunately, labels with errors or useless data must be deleted from the document manually before printing. Technical Information
The Zweckform code (e.g. L4731) adheres to label standards; labels can be obtained in common online or office supply stores.
In the following steps, the template will be created using MS Word. The images shown in the explanations are from an English version of MS Word 2010 (other languages are analogous).
1st Step; Preparation
Start Word and make the selection under "Labels" as shown in the image.
2nd Step; Create template
Select the label and manufacturer (the manufacturer doesn’t matter; it won’t be used); if already available, continue with step 4.
Make and define changes or new labels as needed.
Adapt the page layout
3. Step; Define text field information
In the templates, all printable contents are indicated by a keyword (MERGEFIELD).
The contents Description or ImagePath are defined by their English (internal ETS) form (IndividualAddress, Description, Product, Program, Manufacturer, Room, Trade, ImagePath)
Τα περιεχόμενα Περιγραφή ή Διαδρομή Εικόνας ορίζονται από την αγγλική (εσωτερική ETS) φόρμα (Ατομική Διεύθυνση, Περιγραφή, Προϊόν, Πρόγραμμα, Κατασκευαστής, Δωμάτιο, Λειτουργία, Διαδρομή Εικόνας)
2.Enter MERGEFIELD and the desired content (a table can also be used, which enables very accurate positioning and orientation).
4. Step; Add image
Select Insert/Quick Parts and field.
‘Include Picture’
MS Word will display an error for the field (image path is not defined); refresh using SHIFT+F9. Then the following image will appear.
A logo path can be entered in the following manner:
Μια διαδρομή λογότυπου μπορεί να εισαχθεί με τον ακόλουθο τρόπο:
•Insert two quotation marks including a space.
•CTRL+F9 and insert the text "MERGEFIELD ImagePath".
If you need more than one label on the sheet, the table must simply be copied n times and arranged accordingly; MS Word will automatically add a 'NextRecord' iterator.
5. Step; Update labels
Select the "Labels" menu and then "Update Labels".
The error shown is expected (logo path not available).
Χρησιμοποιήστε τη λειτουργία που βρίσκεται στο μενού περιβάλλοντος για την εναλλαγή πεδίων για να εμφανίσετε ξανά τον αρχικό κώδικα.
"Known Issues"
•It is possible to define the image size, but MS Word’s behavior here is unclear, so use an image editor to try out the correct size.
•Sometimes MS Word replaces the "MERGEFIELD ImagePath" field (see Step 5) with the absolute path when the *.dot file is saved. When this happens, ETS cannot load this template. All you can do is create the print template again.
6. Step; Save labels
Save the file as *.dot (in MS Word 97-2003 Template) to the ETS default path or a user-defined path. Other formats will not be recognized by ETS.
Εάν αποθηκεύετε στην προεπιλεγμένη διαδρομή, το αποτέλεσμα μπορεί πάντα να ελεγχθεί αμέσως εάν το πρότυπο εκτύπωσης στο MS Word είναι ακόμα ανοικτό και το ETS είναι ανοιχτό επίσης.