additional dongle - is this still possible?
Hi community,
I'm using ETS 5 with a usb dongle (ETS Professional).
I would like to order an additional usb dongle to be used on a laptop.
I believe in the past it was possible to purchase a second dongle for the same license, don't remember the details exactly, I think only a single instance was allowed to be used.
Purpose is to have one dongle in the office and a second in the field. Single person using either dongle.
Is this still possible?
If yes, where can I find this in the KNX shop?
Thanks for helping out!
You might be thinking of ETS5 Supplementary licenses. Before ETS6 launched it was possible to buy up to 2 extra licenses (with dongles) that performed the same as a Pro license.
Under ETS6 one can buy a bundle of 3 Pro cloud licenses for the same price as an ETS5 Pro plus 2 Supplementary (€1300).
As far as I know it has never been possible to have the same ETS5 Pro license on two dongles simultaneously - not legitimately anyway.0
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