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ETS Professional Feature Requests

Download individual address using serial number of the device




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  • Stien Van Gestel


    Update: The app 'Address by ID' now works well in ETS.
    The 'ADDR' download flag goes high after download.
    Unfortunately, you need to activate compatibility mode to be able to use the app.

    @KNX Association
    I was informed downloading the individual address based on the serial number would be implemented natively in ETS.
    Without the need of an app or a license or compatibility mode.
    I know for sure this will decrease the commissioning time of a KNX installation.
    How far are you with the development?

    Kind regards


  • Gautier Taravella

    I'm very happy to see that this must-have function was finally added in ETS 6.1.1 update.

    Now please add a "Serial Number" column to the various Devices panels so that we can have a more synthetic view of this information when needed, and to the reports.

  • Stien Van Gestel

    Hi Gautier

    Thanks for posting this, I requested the exact same thing a few days ago via support ticket.
    Also a way to import multiple serial numbers at once is necessary.
    When you need to add the serial numbers of 100 motions sensor, you don't want to open a pop-up one by one.

    Kind regards
