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Project Number for locked project


2 commenti

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  • Alexander Volle

    Is this a project you have imported into ETS?

    Project not imported:

    If you have not already imported the project, you are unfortunately not able to find out the project number, since it is locked behind the password in the archived file.

    Project already imported:

    If you've previously imported the project, you can find the Project Number, by following these steps:

    1. Open Windows Explorer (open any folder)

    2. Type this into the address bar: %programdata%\KNX\ETS6\ProjectStore

    2a. This will open the project store for ETS6. In this folder all currently imported projects are listed by project ID. This is where you'll need to find which ID is yours. You can try to find yours by comparing the date the folder was last modified, but otherwise it's trial and error by selecting one folder after another, and checking if it's correct.

    2b. PLEASE make a copy of your ProjectStore folder as backup, which you can then use to browse/open files in. Let the original Project Store folder remain untouched. If you modify any files inside the Project Store folder, the project may become corrupted and won't open in ETS.

    3. When you find your project, find the file that is named P.

    4. Open the P file in notepad (you might have to select Open in notepad, since the file has no extension)

    5. If you've opened the file, some of the first words are "ProjInfo Name="Your Project Name". On this line, you should be able to find ProjectNumber="YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER". See attached photo for example.


    Now, I realize you posted this 22 days ago, so you might not need this anymore. So I posted this as help for anyone else in the future wondering the same. However, if you still need to know and can't figure it out based on my guide, you can comment on the post, and I'll get back to you (I'm following the post, so will get notifications).

  • ilyass Bouarasse

    just for test
