
ETS Professional feature requests

Help us understand what you need most - share your detailed use case and upvote other users' suggestions to inform the Product team. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

Project replication to 3rd party storage cloud
5 voti 1 commento
panel - search and filter options - or combinations
1 voto 0 commenti
Read KO direktly
10 voti 1 commento
Project Multiselect to Archivesync Completato
2 voti 2 commenti
ETS6 Archive - Automatic Lock of Project Pianificato
8 voti 5 commenti
search multiple group addresses in the group monitor
13 voti 2 commenti
Ukraine Language for product Con risposta
6 voti 5 commenti
Import / Export Group Addresses including a reference to linked communication objects
2 voti 0 commenti
ETS App Extended Copy: Treat sub groups the same way as main and middle groups
2 voti 0 commenti
Word wrap for grids and tables
15 voti 2 commenti
Expand 'Last Download' Dates to cater for things like Device Unload
1 voto 0 commenti
Reinstate programming flags if a user clicks Undo Pianificato
2 voti 1 commento
timestamp for column ‘last value’
3 voti 0 commenti
Show last value of a GA also in the device view
4 voti 0 commenti
ETS on a Mac
59 voti 40 commenti
project specific interface Completato
0 voti 2 commenti
Discovered interface in top
2 voti 1 commento
Alternative licensing model
1 voto 0 commenti
Different archive paths for projects Completato
3 voti 4 commenti
ETS Pro running on Linux
18 voti 4 commenti
Link multiple objects with individual group address Completato
5 voti 6 commenti
Search Function in the Busmonitor Con risposta
1 voto 1 commento
Rename local copy from Archive
3 voti 0 commenti
Allow 'Save' of Group Monitor telegrams whilst Group Monitor is running Completato
1 voto 2 commenti
Set group addresses on several linked channels at the same time to "sending"
1 voto 1 commento
ETS Reports customizable
1 voto 0 commenti
ETS5 user-defined functions - own ICONs / symbols Con risposta
1 voto 1 commento
Give Popup Menus a Visible Background
0 voti 0 commenti
Make the MAC Address field selectable
3 voti 3 commenti
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