
ETS Professional feature requests

Help us understand what you need most - share your detailed use case and upvote other users' suggestions to inform the Product team. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

ETS Report
4 voti 0 commenti
limiting caracters in project with old plugin
3 voti 0 commenti
Object numbers sorting
7 voti 2 commenti
Deleting a device from catalog
2 voti 0 commenti
Reset column ‘last value’
8 voti 0 commenti
Group address hover over popup
10 voti 0 commenti
Write group address popup ‘0’ in the box
4 voti 0 commenti
Default dynamic folder: All group addresses
6 voti 0 commenti
Quick linking of group addresses for specific products
5 voti 0 commenti
Size of additional group ranges should inherit previously specified size
1 voto 1 commento
Change the Behaviour of the Description field for Devices
5 voti 1 commento
Function extension dynamic folders
2 voti 1 commento
Use row highlighting in the Project Archive
2 voti 0 commenti
Provide the ability to preset the default 5 individual addresses
1 voto 0 commenti
Provide a USB C version of the license dongle.
24 voti 1 commento
Sliders and touch screen PC monitor
1 voto 0 commenti
Copy Extended associations
1 voto 1 commento
Information from the description field will not be displayed at the online catalog
1 voto 0 commenti
Add export project to start up options
2 voti 6 commenti
Integration of LibreOffice into the ETS App Labels
4 voti 3 commenti
Group Range Size Manipulation Tools
2 voti 0 commenti
CSV Export of Free Level Group Addresses
4 voti 0 commenti
Paste Group Addresses into Multiple Group Ranges/Middle Groups
1 voto 1 commento
Display device type in catalog window, i.a. for reconstruction.
6 voti 0 commenti
Rename Projects within the Project Archive
6 voti 0 commenti
Project Archive and Project Delete Issue
3 voti 1 commento
Remove the notion of Group Ranges in free level Group Address structure
2 voti 4 commenti
Display of Group Range and Group Address in the same view
1 voto 1 commento
Possibility to have text parameters already converted with Unicode Bidi Algorithm
4 voti 2 commenti
ETS5 Group Monitor sorting of the output
5 voti 1 commento
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