Cloud license - offline for a time
Hello KNX team,
Having a cloud license for ETS is a great feature, but it is not practical for us in the field. Instead of constantly carrying around the dongle, it would be fantastic if we could bind a cloud license to our local computer for, say, 24 hours without an internet connection and then renew it with an internet connection afterward. This would make life much easier for system integrators like us.
Currently, the cloud license is not useful to us because there is no internet available in the construction site, and the internet signal is very weak in areas like the basement or technical facilities.
Thank you.
Now is the time to take action?
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I like the approach to check out the cloud license for offline usage. 👍
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Agreed, would be perfect to check-out the license to a single computer when needed for offline usage
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Agreed, would be perfect to check-out the license to a single computer when needed for offline usage
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This!! there are places that I am unable to get cell reception in and so cannot create even a hot spot! temporary offline usage would make the switch to cloud license much more lucrative
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