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ETS Professional Feature Requests

ETS interface language sorted preferences.



6 opmerkingen

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  • Officiële opmerking
    Michael Critchfield

    Hi Mathieu, thank you for the elaborate example. This helps a lot to understand the issue.

    The 'Preferred Product Language' Setting is relevant only for the Product Language (Application Program), while the 'ETS Language' Setting is relevant only for the ETS Language. ETS actually follows a rather complex Algorithm for the Language that considers also a lot of Legacy including older Products. If the Application Program does not have the 'Preferred Product Language', ETS displays a fallback called 'Inline Translation'. This depends on the selected Product and is not controlled by KNX Association. 

    More info on the ETS Language Display Algorithm, see here.

    Thanks for the Input, we will consider your Feedback for upcoming Releases.

  • Michael Critchfield

    Hello Mathieu, I assume you did select your language preferences in ETS Settings? And what you are asking for, is which language ETS defaults to, if your selected product language is not available?

  • Mathieu POTIER

    First setup

    First result for some product

    Second setup

    Second result for some product

    Third setup

    Third result with some product

    Basically I don't understand the language selection logic ... english is available for the product I shown on the three example, and got 2 times on 3 german laguage displayed ...

  • Mathieu POTIER

    important note : it's not related to this particular product, it occurs on several one, but I only selected one as example here ...

  • Mathieu POTIER

    I suspect an issue that ETS is selecting the closest language in a alphabetical order sorted list ...

    French (not available) => German (probably available in the product file desc) => show in German

    German is the next entry in the language select box ...

    Or something like that ...

    I would expect for setup :

    1. UI language => FR
    2. Product Language EN

    Product displayed FR or EN if FR is not available ...

  • Vassilios Lourdas

    One more comment about ETS' complex algorithm, this can be seen here
