Group Address numbers
This is a really small point but let's see if anyone else agrees...
Sometimes I find it useful to change a set of Group Address numbers by selecting a middle group in the tree, double clicking the Group Address number in the main panel, changing that Group Address number, then use the Up/Down arrow keys to move to another Group Address number to change.
In ETS5 this worked really well but in ETS6 this method is unreliable. At first it seems to be OK, but at some point (I think this might be nearer the bottom of the list of addresses) it requires me to double click each Group Address number that I want to change in turn which is much less convenient for a very simple task. Oddly, this seems to work reliably for editing the Group Address names, but not the Group Address numbers.
Is it possible to make ETS6 behave exactly like ETS5 did in this regard?
function is already included - checked with 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 - edit with double click or F2, moving group adress with Up/Down arrows
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This still don't function in 6.2.2
The point is that you can change the value and arrow up/down to next while keeping focus to change next.
Now You can go up down with focus, but as son as you change the value the focus disappear.
Try to make group 0/0/1, 0/0/2 and 0/0/3. change 0/0/3 to 0/0/4 and press up arrow | You loos focus. This is time consuming.
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@Torstein: You're right, it's really annoying, and hopefully they'll fix it. This is something I do often, and it's frustrating, especially when it worked so well in ETS5. Just to help you along in the meanwhile, here's a a tip I use whenever I need to do this:
When you press arrow down to go to the next address, you lose focus (like you said), but if you press arrow down again (to move to the next address) and then F2 on your keyboard, you should be ready to edit the address again. Yes, it's more work, but at least you don't have to move your hand to the mouse to click again.
I recorded a video that displays a bit what I mean (whenever the editable text input appears, I press F2). However, when I saw the recording, I notice that there's a popup appearing for a glimpse, which is not visible "live". This might be the cause of why we lose focus, as the popup will take focus away. You can see it appears every time I arrow down to the next address.
Edit: When I tried again, it does indeed appear "live" sometimes.
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