Swap individual addresses under download drop down
I would love to have a option of the swap indiviual addresses in the download drop down.
In most cases i have to either swap the devices physically of do a three step swap process changing one device to rendom address. And then override one device and then other.
Kurumsal yorum
Thank you Gohar, do you know the ETS App Replace Device? I believe this can help you.
See MyKNX Replace Device -
No i mean if in case i downloaded two device with wrong addresses. i want to able to swap them without pressing programming button.
Let suppose i downloaded 1.1.10 for the bedoom 1 and 1.1.11 for the bedroom 2. But by mistake installed them in wrong location. so i just want to able to swap the addresses of the devices and then later i can download the application. so i dont need to physically move them.
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Thank you Gohar!
I am asking the Community here for feedback on this request. Any opinions, or comments on the same?0 -
I think it would produce more errors than it would be good.
Mixing up devices is not impossible, but extremely rare if they are properly labeled.
There are more important adjustments in the ETS than for these rare cases.1 -
Gohar, you can use "Overwrite Individual Address" to change the address of a device without physically pressing the programming button.
Change the Individual Address of one of the devices to another free address (e.g. 1.1.10 --> 1.1.110) in ETS Device/Topology/Buildings panel, keeping in mind the original address.
Execute "Overwrite Individual Address" on 1.1.110 and when prompted type 1.1.10 as the "original address."
This will change the address of the device at 1.1.10 to 1.1.110, leaving address 1.1.10 free.
Next Change the Individual Address of the other device to the first address you wanted (e.g. 1.1.11 --> 1.1.10) in ETS Device/Topology/Buildings panel, keeping in mind the original address.
Execute "Overwrite Individual Address" on 1.1.10 and when prompted type 1.1.11 as the "original address."
This will change the address of the device at 1.1.11 to 1.1.10
Next Change the temporary Individual Address of the other device to the second address you wanted (e.g. 1.1.110 --> 1.1.11) in ETS Device/Topology/Buildings panel, keeping in mind the original address.
Execute "Overwrite Individual Address" on 1.1.11 and when prompted type 1.1.110 as the "original address."
This will change the address of the device at 1.1.110 to 1.1.11 and so the individual addresses have been exchanged without pressing the programming buttons.
Although if the devices are of exactly the same type without any parameterisation/group object links you could just swap them in the building view.
5 yorum
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