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Gira 1052 and 1055 plug-in trouble




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  • Official comment
    Vassilios Lourdas

    Hello Lasse,

    Thank you for your message, I would recommend to have a look here: If you cannot solve your problem, then we will create a support ticket.

    Best regards,

  • Kristian Hatmyr

    I have the same problem when importing the project.

    Get a lots of missing files for the plug in. TS2B_5.ts5 not found.

    I tried to uninstall the plug-ins, but nothing happens.

    What did you do?  

  • Dmitry Ryzhkov

    The same problem. Where can I get this file? Or download it


  • valur ingi

    was there a conclusion to this case?? is 1052 unusable in ets6 ??

  • Frédéric Ponghis

    I have the same problem with ETS 5 and the GIRA push sensor 2 plus 5fold (Gira 1055 xx)
    I installed the plugins from Gira that can be found on their site by searching for "Tastsensor 2plus"
    I checked the read and write rights as explained above. I saw this support ticket :  , I'm in case 1: I can NOT export the project again because my electrician supplied the export and he's stopped working. I need to review the programming of this device.Do you have a solution for this case or can you create a ticket?
