Quick linking of group addresses for specific products
If you have 100 temperature sensors where the same objects are going to be connected to individual adresses like
Object name
0 Temperature, actual value internal sensor (°C)
3 Base Setpoint (°C)
5 Temperature, setpoint value (°C) (Feedback)
23 Room mode
24 Status room mode
27 Heating, control value continous
if the group adress is arranged as shown
Address Name
0/0/1 001 Room temperatur
0/0/2 001 Floor temperatur
0/0/3 001 Basic setpoint Heat
0/0/4 001 Basic setpoint Cool
0/0/5 001 Heating Control 1-bit
0/0/6 001 Heating Control 1-byte
0/0/7 001 Cooling Control 1-bit
0/0/8 001 Cooling Control 1-byte
0/0/9 001 Mode
0/0/10 001 Mode State
0/0/11 001 Setpoint shift inn
0/0/12 001 Setpoint shift inn
0/0/13 001 Setpoint Heat Feedback
0/0/14 001 Setpoint Cool Feedback
0/0/15 ..................
0/0/16 ..................
0/0/17 002 Room temperatur
0/0/18 002 Floor temperatur
0/0/19 002 Basic setpoint Heat
0/0/20 002 Basic setpoint Cool
0/0/21 002 Heating Control 1-bit
0/0/22 002 Heating Control 1-byte
0/0/23 002 Cooling Control 1-bit
0/0/24 002 Cooling Control 1-byte
0/0/25 002 Mode
0/0/26 002 Mode State
0/0/27 002 Setpoint shift inn
0/0/28 002 Setpoint shift inn
0/0/29 002 Setpoint Heat Feedback
0/0/30 002 Setpoint Cool Feedback
0/0/31 ..................
0/0/32 ..................
The template could then be created where the user can select the object numbers of the specific component type, where it is possible to rearrange the order.
In the template you also choose which group adress be linked with based on an index group adress
Start index : 0/0/1
Temperature Object Group adress
RT01 0 Startindex
RT01 3 Startindex +2
RT01 23 Startindex + 8
RT01 24 Startindex + 9
RT01 27 Startindex + 5
RT01 5 Startindex + 12
Start index : 0/0/17
Temperature Object Group adress
RT02 0 Startindex
RT02 3 Startindex +2
RT02 23 Startindex + 8
RT02 24 Startindex + 9
RT02 27 Startindex + 5
RT02 5 Startindex + 12
This could then be used with a right click on the component and an option for multi adress assignment template, and maybe be locked to fit only to the same type of component as it was created for, so there is less mixup..
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