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ETS Professional Feature Requests

Add a 'Do not ask me again' option to the Interface Check dialog




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  • Michael Critchfield

    Hi Duncan, I see this Request is 2 years old but I want to ask if this Request is still open on your end. Looking at your Screenshot, the Individual Address (IA) of your USB Interface is 15.15.240 while it is connected in the topology to a different line. ETS warns you about this, because you may run into problems e.g. with Couplers using IA Filters. If you would update the IA, the dialog would no longer appear.

    That is why we as KNX Association and through that also ETS recommend to set the Interface IA to match its position in the topology. 

  • Duncan Greene

    Yep it's still open. 99% of the time that we run into this it's when we've got devices on the test bench either being individually addressed before being shipped to site, or when we're just running small-scale bench tests. In all cases, it's specifically when both interface (15.15.240) and device (1.6.54) are both physically connected to the exact same KNX line segment.

    I would suggest you implement an 'auto change local address' feature if needs be, whereby ETS automatically detects and applies a line-valid unused individual address to the interface. Turn 10 clicks into 1.

  • Michael Critchfield

    Hi Duncan, thanks for getting back to me on this. I understood what you are after. But can you let me know why it is that your Interface has addess 15.15.240?

  • Duncan Greene

    Hi Michael, I've a feeling that just happened to be the default IA this particular USB interface came with, and I'd just not got round to changing it.

    When you're dealing with devices one-on-one on a test rig or you're pre-addressing them before sending them to site (when they could have all sorts of line addresses), it seems wasteful to have to manually change the interface address to match the line address each time. Especially when there are no couplers on your test rig.

  • Michael Critchfield

    Duncan, I appreciate your reply. We will consider your input for the upcoming Releases
