ETS on a Mac
Is this possibility being worked on? Because as a KNX and Mac user, I think it could be a great advantage.
I would also welcome ETS for Mac. It's honestly my only application on Windows left, the only reason to renew VMware year per year, the only reason to stay with Intel architecture (for the time being). It's a shame. In addition, I believe, the target audience for KNX installations in their home (beside the Installateurs) are somehow people be able to afford a Mac computer.
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Also very much looking forward to macOS support.
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absolutely right
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Support for Windows ARM (more specific; a complete move to 64-bit) would be a good second, since I have no clue how big the potential Mac userbase is for ETS software. That would give mac users at least a workable option when intel hardware is phased out, and would also be beneficial for all users, if not now then it would be in the future.
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Although an ARM version could somehow mediate a short term solution. When you look at the global market, more and more Mac computers are used professionally in the high end section. I work at an IT firm where literally 95% works with Mac. There's 4,5% of linux users on development machines and perhaps one or two project managers using windows...
The point is, mac's are more and more finding their way as professional work machines, and having ETS on them would be awesome. I now kept my old MacBook Pro with bootcamp, just for ETS...
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It would be awesome to use ETS on a Mac. I think, there is huge fanbase looking forward to this feature. It is really annoying to start bootcamp every time you change only a small setting. It would be so much nicer if it will work directly on a Mac on a native app.
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I would also welcome ETS on a Mac. I do not have windows. The market share of Mac OS is 15% worldwide. In the US it is even 25% and in Europe 15%. High income countries have higher shares like UK 24% and Switzerland 25%. In my view this is a big opportunity for KNX and time to offer ETS on Mac OS.
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Same here. Looking forward being able to use ETS on my macOS.
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Same here... already waiting 5 years... still working with Winddows virtual machine, only for ETS5 :S...
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Same here. Virtual machine is the only option. ETS6 with new Mac works ok
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I've worked on Mac's for 20 years, and I was a hugh fan...
But, It isn't that sollid, steady and Pro anymore. After every update there is something wat doesn't work anymore. I hate it. They are expensive and it is called 'Pro' but hasn't got any connections anymore! How?!
Just invest a 800 euro's in a Windows laptop with serious spec's. Don't buy the cheap 400 euro machines. For less then the cheapest Macbook you have a perfect laptop for ETS.
Please do not invest in ETS for Mac. Just invest in ETS to make it beter.
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Disagree on Martijn Cobussen‘s post. Yes, since Steve Jobs wasn’t responsible anymore for Apples quality, the quality went down. However, it’s still better and the devices more quality than any e.g. Dell, HP, Lenovo equipment, and for sure, I compare with the business grade systems, also Surface isn’t nice, although works a bit better. Windows is still a shame, the GUI worse, I always be happy not to use my VM with Windows. And with the new ARM processors MacOS and MacBooks are really great devices again, and Intel also showed on many other issues, that their quality is also getting worser, but with ARM it’s much harder for ETS on Mac, as also VM won’t work anymore.
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Please Martijn don’t make it a Windows vs. Apple topic.. every person can decide for himself what kind of OS / Ecosystem he would like to use.
The more OS versions that are supported the better…
And even for 5.000,- euro’s I can’t find a Windows Laptop that gives me the same experience that i have with MacOSX ;).
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The Mac vs Windows discussion is not my point. But I disagree the opinion 'the more OS version that are supported the better'.
ETS supporting for Mac isn't for free, it will cost a lot of the capacity of the developerteam. I prefer to focus on a perfect ETS for just one OS. There are still problems to solve in ETS 6. And with new KNX products, there wil come new issues.
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It’s far more easy to develop software on an OS that’s much more stable and better integrated with the hardware instead of a fragmented Eco system that has to run on al kind of different hardware flavours ;).
The Windows versions is working, so stop the development here…the Windows OS architecture is almost the same for 15 years now :).
Let’s build a new more stable platform om MacOSX :)
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I've been working with KNX for a long time now. The components of the KNX manufacturers are mostly very good, stable and reliable (apart from a few minor exceptions). The only thing that bothers me extremely about the KNX system is the ETS.
Unfortunately, I think the development of the ETS is currently going in a completely wrong direction. Right now I'm working with ETS6, one of the worst software products I've ever had to use.
But if I had one wish for the KNX association, it would be an ETS that can be installed independently of the operating system. Not just Windows 32bit. But also Windows ARM as well as MacOS and Linux support. (Linux would be most important to me, but since MacOS is also a UNIX operating system, an ETS that runs under MacOS should also be easy to run under Linux.)
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+1 for porting ETS to macOS.
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Since I was unable to conclusively google this before trying out:
ETS5 runs fine on M2 Macbook Pro running officially supported Windows 11 ARM via Parallels.
Zero problems so far identifying license from dongle and installing several plugins. Big relief as I had to move away from my old Intel Mac and Win 10 X64 via Bootcamp.
Still, proper Mac version and a business model catering to prosumers who programs their own installation with many devices (20+) but only a very limited number of installations (1-3?) is desperately needed. Not all able to program are professional installers who have incoming revenue from deploying KNX on behalf of customers.
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I Agree, Alfred. I have a M1 MacBook Pro, and one year back, it was still fringe science to run X86 apps in parallels...
It this works now, then that is a step up. But it remains a compromise. I used it on my former 2018 intel MacBook Pro in a virtual machine, it worked, but was not as performant... I now use that MacBook with bootcamp, only for ETS which is a much smoother experience. (works flawlessly).I am myself a prosumer, I built my entire KNX house setup myself and I consider myself a tech enthousiast to continuously improve on my setup. I have a pro license only for myself, it's expensive, just to program, but part of the total cost for me. Aunt no other solution. (and no, for mission critical systems, I don't go Jack Sparrow)
Today the architecture exist to use universal code that can be ported/run on multiple OS'es easily.
But It can be difficult if you have to re-write your code from the ground up. However, all bigger software applications have. And to keep up with future computing, rewriting old legacy code is inevitable.I hope to see a MacOS version soon, as it would integrate more in my personal setup, but I am convinced that there are more professionals out there using (or rather can't be using) their MacBooks
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absolutely right
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Thumbs up for Mac support! Any news on this topic from developers side?
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I would assume not. Even more, if they were working on it, I would not announce it until ready for (public) beta.
Porting ETS to macOS would require a complete re-write of the existing application into a platform which is OS independent, or create a complete different stand alone application, an endeavour which is not an easy task.However, I believe, many professionals use Mac computers and mac's have become (more) mainstream in the high-end business range. It would most certainly help to have a Mac version, as I could ditch my old windows just for the sake of ETS.
If any version were to be released, I would love to sign up for the beta program, as a product owner and business analyst in a scrum team, I am used to validate and test software. :-)
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Count me in as early beta tester!
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I also would like to see a Mac version.
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Michael Eichert
I would also welcome ETS on a Mac. I do not have windows. The market share of Mac OS is 15% worldwide. In the US it is even 25% and in Europe 15%. High income countries have higher shares like UK 24% and Switzerland 25%. In my view this is a big opportunity for KNX and time to offer ETS on Mac OS.
...and probably 70-80% of the people owning a KNX installation have Macs.
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I totally understand the request for for supporting an operating system that has a significant market share. And I love my MacBook a lot more than my Windows devices.
But considering neither ETS5 nor ETS6 can be considered specifically fast in my opinion (even with state-of-the-art hardware it's slow - for example try working with filters in the bus monitor that has been running overnight and captured 50k frames - this will drive even the strongest person insane) I'd rather see development ressources going into improving the Windows versions rather than reducing the effort there and start supporting another OS.
I can't speak for all installers and I can't speak for all markets but at least all professional ETS installers I know and have personally met are electricians and I have not seen any electrician with a MacBook in my whole life so far.
Speaking for me personally I'd like to see a Mac Version but since life isn't always a bowl of cherries I'd rather see an improved (faster!) Windows version than a semi-good performing Windows version and another semi-good performing Mac version.0 -
Definitely love to see Mac version.
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"Wenn ich persönlich für mich spreche, würde ich gerne eine Mac-Version sehen, aber da das Leben nicht immer eine Schüssel Kirschen ist, würde ich lieber eine verbesserte (schnellere!) Windows-Version als eine halb-gut funktionierende Windows-Version und eine weitere semi-good-führende Mac-Version."
same! Please design a fast version of ETS! No slow, colourful software. the design of ETS5 with the functions from ETS6 would be great!
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unbelievable we are in the year 2024 and there is a new ETS 6 that is completely useless for Mac users. ETS is like blackberry, as soon someone starts to offer an alternative, ETS is gonna to be death…
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Sorry, you usually hear those who shout the loudest, even if they are clearly in the minority. Well over 80% of the electrical trade has a Windows operating system, then there is Linux and sometimes MAC. MAC may be indispensable in the graphics sector, but certainly in the electrical sector. As mentioned above, a sensible Windows version (stable, few bells and whistles and let the experts decide for themselves) would be much more important than derivatives that hardly anyone needs.
Sorry, man hört halt meist die, welche am lautesten rufen, auch wenn sie in der Minderheit sind. Das Elektrohandwerk hat weit über 80% eine Windows-Betriebssystem, dann kommt noch Linux und irgendwann MAC. MAC mag im Grafikbereich nicht wegzudenken sein, im Elektrobereich durchaus. Wie vorgenannt, wäre eine vernünftige Windowsversion (Stabil, wenig Schnickschnack und den Experten wieder mal selbst entscheiden lassen) viel wichtiger als Derivate, die kaum jemand benötigt.
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