This wizard helps collect all relevant ETS information for the analysis of possible support cases. Through a number of wizard steps grouped by tab, the user can enter the data one wishes to include in the resulting export.
You can choose whether to delete (previously collected) diagnostic data or to collect new diagnostic information with the option of printing out or zipping the result.
Allows operating system information (installed components, memory capacity, etc.) to be included.
Diagnostic Files
Allows inclusion of ETS log files (preselected as this is the most useful information) and entries from the operating system event log.
Allows inclusion of all known licenses. The actual license signatures will be replaced by a string of X's, in order to make them unreadable. The diagnostics function does not remove or alter any licenses on the computer!
Allows inclusion of the version of the software components used by ETS (printer, licenses or .NET framework).
Summary of the items selected with the option of finishing or going back one or more steps in the wizard. If you click on Finish a dialog appears for either saving the result or printing it out.