Released 27 January 2018, build 840
New features
User interface & Functionality
- Nothing new
- Nothing new
User interface & Functionality
- Nothing new
Bug fixes
User Interface & Functionality
- A 'NullReference' exception for pre-ETS4-Style 'Dynamic Data' for 'ParameterRefRefs' without active parent page parameter does not occur anymore.
- An 'EndOfStreamException' exception that caused a specific device not to be downloadable does not occur anymore.
- On 'OptimizeDL-Plug-in-Replacement', the check is done now only for the filename.
- An exception when activating the 'Rename element' twice does not occur anymore.
- Duplicated translations for one element do not make the project import fail.
- 'Extended Property services' do not exceed now the 'Maximum APDU Length'.
- The parameter dialog can now be scrolled for third level tabs in the left tree.
- The converter to the new KNX Scheme uses now the correct 'Load Control ID' for the plug-in replacement of ABB devices.
- The signature of ETS Apps has been extended, this means that the 'eConfigure KNX Expert' App can be properly licensed again.
- The Diagnostic Wizard does not result in an 'Out of memory' exception anymore.
- The 'Horizontal Ruler' works properly again.
- A 'Not Supported' exception when trying to add particular devices in the Online Catalog does not occur anymore.
- An exception in the 'Undo Manager' usage.
- 'DeviceManagement' object uses now 'Extended Memory/Property Service' support declaration in the product data.
- Increment of parameter type 'float' is now read as double.