Released 14 December 2015, build 1406
New features
User interface & Functionality
- Insert of cabinets in floors and stairways is now possible.
- New ETS languages and corresponding ETS help integrated (Swedish, Czech, Chinese, Polish, Russian).
- Nothing new
User interface & Functionality
- Dynamic folders now allow the Group Addresses to use the additional compare operator 'between'.
- Time-based licenses that have expired are now strike through (better recognition).
- Path history on project store, product store and project archive is now available.
- In place editing of the address on Group Addresses, Main/Middle Groups is now possible in the list view.
- Display of additional catalog information will be shown on products in ETS catalog when the mouse hovers over them (if KNX product vendor defines this data in the products).
- Display of “colour” and “series” in ETS catalog window (if KNX product vendor defines this data in the products)
- Extended message on project export when using the ETS DEMO if more than 5 products in the project are to be exported.
- Extended display on importing Group Addresses and possibly skipped Group Addresses (if they do not match the expected format).
- Dynamic folders, which filter on Group Objects contain an extra column, in which the corresponding device and its Individual Address are shown (better assignment on multiple occurrence of equal Group Objects of different devices).
Bug fixes
User Interface & Functionality
- ETS USB interfaces – connection loss on online operations during the USB initialization.
- Medium column in monitor now shows the media type.
- Display / licensing problem on Norwegian Windows versions solved.
- Customer entered comments in the project (tab 'Project overview') will be now kept when exporting the project.
- When copying devices the sending Group Address was mixed in wrong order on the Group Object (if more than one Group Addresses were available at the Group Object).
- Taking over the device comment failed when clicking immediately to the 'List view'.
- Correct update of MAC address and serial number in navigation sidebar after downloading on KNX/IP Couplers having the 'Router' Application Program.
- Input format on PL Domain Address is now deterministic (strictly decimal input), limited to values between 0 to 255 (1 byte)
- Input format on RF Domain Address is now deterministic (strictly decimal or hexadecimal input)
- ETS App 'Extended Copy' now also takes the rooms into account in which the devices will be copied.
- ETS saves now correctly the EIBLib/IP connections when the used (Config/Read/Write) ports are different from the standard setting.
- Occurring parameter changes (e.g. IP addresses) on currently used IP connections (e.g. in Group Monitor) are now correctly updated in the connection manager, hence a new connection may use these changes.
- Project sorting within project archive will be now sorted correctly by time.
Nothing new