Released 25 April 2016, build 551
New features
User interface & Functionality
- Extended search function in columns in type of Room:Kitchen or 1:Kitchen.
- N/A
User interface & Functionality
- Handling of possible, endless Windows 7 driver search on update of KNX dongle
firmware. - Improvement of dongle firmware update on several dongles at one computer at the
same time. - Improved message on importing ETS2 products (with at that time Plug Ins/ CDI’s) on
further usage in ETS5. - Improved error message on violation of topology constraints (e.g. usage of IP lines).
Bug fixes
User Interface & Functionality
- Wrong behavior of workspaces and therein included diagnosis panels corrected.
- Visibility of group telegrams in Bus monitor restored when using USB interfaces.
- Wrong opening of several instances of a 'single instance' ETS App corrected.
- Load procedure of type 'all' on system B on media IP corrected.
- Search field in 'product replacement' wizard corrected.
- Remove of Group Address' linked at a Group Object's below channels (device view) is now possible.
- Visualisation of last received Group Address value (again) possible.
- Handling of parked Line Couplers at online operations corrected.
- Unnecessary increase of saved user data in context with using of ETS App
'Extended Copy' is solved.
Nothing new