In order to uninstall ETS6, please follow the procedure that is described here:
1. Right-click on the 'Start' button and click the 'Apps and Features'.
2. Look for the entry KNX ETS6 vx.y.z (where x.y.z the installed ETS6 version) and select it.
3. Upon ETS6 selection the buttons 'Modify' and 'Uninstall' are shown.
- Modify: Allows to reinstall ETS6 in case of functionality issues.
- Uninstall: Allows to uninstall ETS6.
4. Click 'Uninstall' to proceed with the removal of ETS6 and again 'Uninstall' on the little window dialog that pops-up.
5. Finally, click again 'Uninstall' to actually start ETS6 removal.
6. As soon the removal process is completed, a confirmation dialog is shown. ETS6 is now removed.
Please note that any additional software and/or device plug-ins are not removed. If you want to remove those as well, you shall follow the uninstallation process for each software individually.
Furthermore, any existing projects are not removed from the computer (in case ETS6 shall be installed again). Therefore, you can safely remove ETS6 and install it again, however a project backup is always recommended prior to any ETS6 removal.