This article covers the following topics
- Distinction between ETS4 setup and ETS4 licenses
- Create and download licenses via MyKNX for ETS4 and ETS4 Apps
- Add licenses in ETS4 (Professional, Lite, Supplementary)
Distinction between ETS4 setup and ETS4 licenses
1. There is only one ETS4 setup, which installs the 'ETS4 software package' or short 'ETS4' as demo because the ETS4 setup does not add a license.
2. Only after adding a license to the ETS4 software package, ETS4 becomes either:
- ETS4 Professional
- ETS4 Supplementary
- ETS4 Lite
Create and download licenses via MyKNX for ETS4 and ETS4 Apps
1. Download the ETS4 setup from MyKNX and install ETS4.
In case of a 'computer independent' license (dongle), plug the Flexera USB Licensing dongle sent by KNX Association into the computer for which the ETS4 license needs to be activated.
2. Start ETS4, ETS4 starts in Demo mode. Click on the 'Licensing...' button in order to open the licensing window.
3. Within the licensing window the Flexera USB Licensing dongle ID (in case a dongle is plugged to the computer) and the Computer ID are shown.
- The Flexera USB Licensing dongle ID starts with 'FLEXID=9-' followed by 8 hexadecimal characters.
- The Computer ID contains 1 or more character strings that start with 'COMPOSITE=' followed by 12 hexadecimal characters.
Select the one according to the license type then click the 'Copy ID' button in order to copy it to the clipboard.
4. Sign in to MyKNX. Open the 'My account-->Products' section. The obtained ETS4 and ETS4 App licenses are listed in the 'Licenses' section.
5. Go to the 'Product License' field of the respective product(s) and paste either the Flexera USB Licensing dongle ID or the Computer ID that you copied from ETS4 (in step 3). Once pasted, click the 'Add key' button in order to create the license.
a. Create ETS4 licenses
b. Create ETS4 App licenses
6. After clicking the 'Add key' button, a link named after the Computer of the Dongle ID appears. Clicking the link, triggers the download of a zip file. This zip file contains the actual license and is downloaded into the default 'Downloads' folder of the browser.
How to locate the download folder in... |
7. Extract the content of the zip file, this is a file with the file extension '.lic' and with a file name based on this pattern: 'ETS4 <License Type><License Number><ID>', where <License Number> is the license number of the license to be activated and where <ID> is either the Flexera USB Licensing dongle ID or the Computer ID.
Add licenses in ETS4 (Professional, Lite, Supplementary)
1. Start ETS4, ETS4 starts in Demo mode. Click on the 'Licensing...' button in order to open the licensing window.
2. Press the button in order to locate the extracted license file.
3. Locate the license file, select it then click the 'Open' button. The ETS4 license will be shown after a few seconds.
After licensing ETS4 and in case of a computer independent license; the ETS4 license is only active if the dongle is plugged to the computer, otherwise ETS4 is switched to demo mode.