There can be almost an arbitrary amount of windows open at the same time, regardless of whether they are in docked or floating mode. Any content desired can be shown in each window (content can also be the same). Closing windows can have a direct influence on projected data, so bear in mind the following information. Clicking on the X symbol in the right upper corner will close a window and will be interpreted in the following way:
- As a canceled operation if there is a "Cancel" button in the lower part of the dialog (next to the "OK" button)
- As a performed operation, if only an "OK" button is available at the bottom of the dialog;
When you want to add a text file to a project (when the file has already been selected) and you click on the X (instead of the "OK" button), the action will be canceled. The same applies for the "Cancel" button. The text file will not be added.
- Clicking next to the license dialog closes the dialog. Previously performed actions (newly installed and valid licenses) are not "canceled", but remain active.
- Clicking on the X symbol in the topology window closes the window but previously performed actions (added device) are not "canceled". The previously performed actions are retained (ETS saves all project data and project database entries directly, meaning that these types of actions are always carried out "immediately").