Items in the list or tree view will not be refreshed automatically (sorted) when a property which is relevant for the sort order is changed. This prevents the focus on the current view from being lost, e.g. when renumbering a Group Address from 1/1/3 to 1/1/200 (this item would otherwise move down to the bottom of the list).
Press the F5 key or close the project and reopen it.
Select an item and press F5 to refresh all items of the same type (in the tree view, if a Group Address is selected, all Group Addresses in this Middle Groups are refreshed/sorted).
Caution: Possibly unsorted Group Addresses in other Middle Groups or in its own or other Main Group(s) are not sorted!
Toggling between window types or opening a second window
The exact same data as in the first window is displayed in the same sort order (as long as there was no manual resorting of the columns in the first window, the second window opens with the default sort, i.e. by the <VALUE> if it exists).