Information about ETS is provided and settings for software updates can be made here.
Version Information
ETS Version | The ETS version installed. |
Masterdata |
This contains system-wide KNX administrative data, e.g. all KNX manufacturer IDs, DPTs available in ETS, system definitions for KNX devices and KNX media, among other things. In some cases, it is necessary to update this data independently of an ETS software update. With the update function, it is therefore no longer necessary to wait until a new version of ETS is released to get the KNX administrative data. You are informed when a newer version is available for download. Currently-open projects will be updated with the new master data after confirmation of the download. Two examples:
Product Extension | These contain important manufacturer data which is used, for example, in the ETS App Project Comparison. |
Interface |
The version of the USB interface file (for automatic identification of connected USB interfaces). Details 2.If no or an invalid (in terms of data technology) interface file is found there , the interface file which is (always) found in the local ETS5 program directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\...) is used (possibly an old version created at the time of ETS setup). If two interface files are available, the newer version is used (versions are managed within the interface file). The “Common AppData” directory will only contain an interface file once ETS has found a newer version as compared to the one in the program directory. 3.ETS regularly checks (see the option ETS Updates further down) whether updates for ETS itself or for various administrative data (see master data) as well as for this interface file are available here. |
Online KNX Product Catalog | Date of the most recent data update for the ETS App Online KNX Product Catalog. A manual data update can be carried out via the Settings of the online KNX Product Catalog. |
ETS Updates
þ Check for updates automatically
When enabled, a check for new updates will be made weekly.
Download Now
Downloads a software update (detected by the automatic check function); the update can be installed.
Check now
Allows you to check for updates manually by clicking on the Check now button.
Updates & License Checks
- ETS does not check any licenses for an update.
- No customer or computer-specific data are transmitted to KNX (via Internet).
Updates & Installation
- No ETS must be plugged in for installation.
- Every ETS version (including DEMO) can be updated.
Updates & Versions
The update behavior of ETS comprises three (3) steps.
- Check now, available updates (this is defined by the checking interval which has been set). If there is a new masterdata or interfaces version is automatically installed.
- Download the new update (permission must be entered explicitly by the user).
- Install the new update (here, you have the option of specifying whether the update should be installed later or never). In this connection, the following situation can arise:
If later was specified in point 3, on startup, ETS asks if the update which was previously downloaded successfully should be installed (for Never, it will never ask). It is very well possible that in the meantime, another, newer update has become available online. This will not be shown as available in ETS until the set checking interval (point 1) has been reached, except if a manual check for available updates is performed.