The advantages of establishing a KNX certified training center can be summarized as follows. Certified KNX training centres:
- Can hand out official KNX certificates to students after successful exam;
- Get discounts on ETS licenses used in KNX certified courses. See Pricing ETS Educational Licenses.
- Receive all KNX ETS Apps free of charge*;
- Have free access to constantly updated Word version of the KNX training documentation in several languages;
- Have access to the KNX Training logo that can be used on letter headed paper, business cards, website etc.;
- Can promote upcoming KNX courses on the KNX website;
- Get free publicity in the KNX Journal (reader audience >100.000);
- Have the right to participate in the annual KNX training centre conference organized by KNX Association.
KNX Association offers the training centre a unique business opportunity whereby the training centre:
- Can extend its existing training activities;
- Can establish itself the course fees;
- Could become the first certified KNX training centre in the region/country;
- Has the liberty to organize KNX certified courses Face to Face (F2F) in the training centre / at the premises of the customer or online.
* Only if training centre also offers KNX Advanced courses. See Offering KNX Advanced course - extra advantages