Time Formats
The time formats shown in ETS correspond to the current Windows system settings (e.g. for the date dd-MM-yyyy for 03-04-2019 and for the time HH:mm for 12:10). Changed settings only take effect after ETS is restarted. In the diagnostic log files, the saved timestamps are permanently defined as yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss, ms.
The timestamps of the Group/Bus monitor recordings are stored in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), regardless of the computer's time zone, where the recording has been performed. The timestamps are converted to the current time zone used by the computer for the display.
Startup Behavior
- If ETS was closed in minimized-window mode, then it will also be opened in this mode when restarted.
- ETS is a single instance application, i.e. when launched, ETS checks whether another ETS instance is already running and closes itself if this is the case.