A device can be added to a target element from a source (e.g. the Catalog window) using drag & drop (provided that the target supports this function). Using the Catalog, you can add one or more devices to the topology or to building parts or trades simultaneously. In addition, you can specify the area in the building to which the devices should be added, even in different (open) projects.
Inserting and copying have the same meaning here; in order to insert something, some kind of copy procedure must take place first (even in the product catalog, devices to be inserted must first be temporarily copied).
If several selected devices are inserted/copied at the same time, they should then be inserted individually, one device at a time. Consequently, using Undo also deletes the devices one at a time.
Assignment overrun scenario
By default, ETS inserts devices to the first available Individual Address in the line; after this, the line is 'filled up' until there are no more Individual Addresses available in the line. Any further devices are also inserted in the line, but they are parked (X.Y.-).
Add Device & KNX Security
Possible change in status, e.g.
- Addition of a KNX IP device to existing KNX IP Secure devices with the security status enabled --> Query as to whether, upon adding, the security status should be disabled or the device should not be added.
- Addition of a KNX IP Secure device with the security status enabled to existing KNX IP devices --> query as to whether the security status should be enabled upon addition (+ parking of all normal KNX IP devices) or the device should be added as a KNX IP Secure device with the security status disabled. The mode remains Automatic.
- First addition of a KNX IP Secure device --> The security key is generated; KNX IP Secure is enabled. The mode remains Automatic.
Remove Device & KNX Security
Possible change in status, e.g.
- Removal of the last KNX IP Secure device with the security status enabled --> The security key is deleted, and the security status is (then) disabled. The mode remains Automatic.
- For a forced change to Off or On, the action/ query is analogous to that described above.