Please note: This procedure is similar for other course types.
1. Add course
Go to Account / Training Centre / Courses and click on Add course
2. Enter course details
Course details | Description |
Name: | Give the course a specific name: e.g., Basic Course March 2021 |
Course type: | Select the course type which needs to be organized |
Tutors: | Select the KNX tutor(s) who are going to organize the course |
Lecture language: | Select the lecture language of the course |
Training documentation language: | Select the language of the training documentation |
Exam language: | Select the exam language. |
Location: |
On-site: Select this option if the course is organized at the training centre itself Other location: Select this option if the course is organized at another location. If at another location, complete the fields street, house number, postal code, city and country. |
Theory Course | Select 'online' if the training centre has been approved for the organization of online theoretical courses. Otherwise, select On-site |
Practical Course | Select the location of the practical course. This is always on-site except for a Refresher course which can be organized online |
Theoretical exam organization: |
Online (with internet connection): Select this option when the theoretical exam will be organized online. For this, the computers on which the course participants will take the exam need internet access (Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection). The course participants must have access to their personal MyKNX account. How to organize an online theoretical exam is explained in this link.
Software version | Select the ETS software version that will be used during the course |
Maximum students | Select the number of participants that can attend the course. This number depends on the number of available and approved training rigs. |
Notes | In this field, the training centre can enter extra notes with regard to this course: e.g., bring your own laptop… |
Email notification to students prior to the course | Select the number of days before the start of the course, on which the student will be informed about the course. |
3. Create timetable
In the second window, you have the possibility to drag & drop the different course modules into the calendar.
Please note for the Basic course that the:
- Minimum course duration: 30:00 hours. The training centre can choose the timeframe for the course. The individual modules can e.g. be split over several weeks or months.
- Practical chapters: minimum 50 % of total course duration
- All mandatory modules (blue and green) should at least have been selected once.
- The theoretical and practical exam are considered as 'theoretical'
4. Save and enable the course
Course confirmation | Description |
Visible on the KNX website | Select this option if the course has to be visible on the KNX website and in MyKNX. |
Save | Save the course |
Enable | Click this button so that potential course participants can sign up to this course. If not enabled, students will be unable to sign up for the course. |
Disable |
It is also possible to disable the course once it has been enabled. In the latter case, the course will not be visible to potential students nor will it be possible that students can subscribe to this course |
It is absolutely forbidden to add courses in MyKNX, fill them with imaginary students and make them partners without them actually attending a course, also not for testing purposes.