If you have tried to add a license key for your product and you see the following error message 'The key you have tried to add is incorrect. Please try again.' then, please check the following:
The license key shall be exactly the same as the one from your ETS
When you copy the license key from your ETS:
- ETS5: dongle ID
Ensure that is exactly the same and that you have not made any typo. Otherwise the system will reject it.
The license key that you have cannot be used with that product
- For ETS Apps
The ETS Apps may be compatible with ETS4, ETS5 or both.
- ETS4: In case of only ETS4 compatibility, you have to use only ETS4 related keys (COMPOSITE or ETS4 Dongle ID).
- ETS5: In case of only ETS5 compatibility, you have to use only the ETS5 dongle ID.
To find the compatible ETS versions of an ETS App, please look at the shop page of a particular ETS App.
- For ETS5/Manufacturer Tool 5
In case of ETS5 or Manufacturer Tool 5, you have to use only the ETS5 dongle ID.
- For ETS4/Manufacturer Tool 4 or older
In case of ETS4 or older, or Manufacturer Tool 4 or older, you have to use only the ETS4/MT4 or older related keys (COMPOSITE or ETS4 Dongle ID)..