To upload a project from ETS to an ETS Inside server, ETS v5.6.5 and ETS Inside server 1.3.0 or higher shall be installed. This functionality does not require a license, i.e. it can also be done with ETS in Demo mode.
1. Open ETS and select the project to be be transferred to an ETS Inside server.
2. Right-click the project and select 'Send To'->'ETS Inside' from the context menu.
3. In this step, the project is checked for compatibility with the ETS Inside server, i.e.:
- If the project contains devices that require data handler plug-ins, then the upload will be stopped. ETS will report accordingly.
- If the project contains devices that require download and/or user interface plug-ins then the upload will continue. It will however not be possible to respectively download the transferred devices and/or edit the parameters of the transferred devices, in ETS Inside. ETS will report accordingly.
- If the project does not contain any plug-in based devices then the upload will be done without any feedback from ETS.
4. Select the ETS Inside server to which the project shall be uploaded, then click 'Next' to confirm.
5. Enter the ETS Inside Admin password, click 'Login' to confirm.
6. If the password is correct then the project upload to the ETS Inside server will start.
7. There will be no further notification from ETS or ETS Inside after upload completion.
If there is already another project existing on the selected ETS Inside server then this project will be replaced by the one selected for the upload. Therefore, please make sure to create a backup of the project on the ETS Inside server before the upload