This panel is used to create building structures with the following elements:
- Buildings
- Functions (at the corresponding operation location in the Building - structure)
- Trades
The flexible building and trades structures help in organizing and managing devices in ETS projects and installation workflow. The Buildings structure presents the ETS project from the perspective of the installation, whereas the Trades structure empowers users to craft customized project views, streamlining the management of devices. For instance, within a hotel project, a Trade could encompass all heating control system components (thermostats or temperature sensors, valves or heating actuators, actuators), eliminating the need for users to search for these devices across the entire project and instead present them in a single view.
After creation of the building structure, which represents the real physical building structure, this panel allows you to place the devices into the individual elements of the building structure. The following table gives an overview of the available building structure elements together with their usage.
Icon | Name | Can contain: | Comment |
Buildings | Buildings | Root level element | |
Buildings | Building Parts, Rooms, Floors, Corridors, Stairways, Function | 1st level container element | |
Building Part | Building Parts, Rooms, Floors, Corridors, Stairways, Function | 2nd level container element | |
Floors | Rooms, Corridors, Function | 3rd level container element | |
Corridors | Cabinets, devices, Function | 3rd level container element | |
Stairway | Cabinets, devices, Function | 3rd level container element | |
Room | Cabinets, devices, Function | 3rd level container element | |
Cabinet | Devices, Function | 3rd level container element | |
Trades | Sub-Trade | Root level element | |
Trade | Sub-Trades, Devices | 1st level container element | |
Sub-Trades | Sub-Trades, Devices | 2nd to n level container element (multiple levels can be created) | |
Function | Sub-functions, Group Addresses | Group address overview directly at their operation location in the building structure |
To add elements, see Buildings panel (detailed).
Assigning a device to a (sub-) trade is optional and is for sorting purposes only. It does not replace the assignment of a device in the ETS building structure.