In order a license to appear as available in the guided licensing, it shall not have been activated yet and shall either belong to a personal MyKNX account or to have been assigned to the MyKNX account that is used for the software licensing.
Guided licensing
Manual licensing
Guided licensing
An active internet connection is needed, thus if this is not the case, please use the manual licensing as explained in Manual licensing - Dongle-based ETS6 licenses.
Cloud-based ETS6 licenses
1. Download the ETS6 setup from MyKNX and install ETS6.
2. Launch ETS6.
3. The "Sign in With KNX ID" page will appear. Click on the "Sign in With KNX ID" button.
4. You will be redirected to your web browser. Enter the MyKNX credentials for the account where your ETS6 licenses are registered. Click the 'Sign In' button to proceed.
- If you do not have a MyKNX account, you can create one:
-Click the "Create Your KNX ID" link in the ETS window.
-Alternatively, click the "Sign Up" link in your web browser during the sign-in process. - If you have forgotten your MyKNX account password, you can reset it by clicking the respective link (Forgot Password in your web browser).
- If you only want to use the software in Demo mode, click the 'Run Demo' button.
5. ETS6 connects in the background to the given MyKNX account, fetches and displays any available ETS6 licenses.
6. Select the license you want to activate and click the 'Activate' button.
6. Select the computer on which the license shall be stored and click the 'Activate' button.
7. By doing that, ETS6 connects to the licensing server to verify the validity of the license, and then it stores it to the computer. This means that the ETS6 is licensed and can be used.
If you would like to release the license from the computer where you are currently working (e.g. to work on another computer), then go to the 'Licensing' settings, select the license and click the 'Release license' button.
By doing that, the license is made available immediately for use on another computer. If not all licenses appear in the list, you can click the 'Refresh' button to fetch an updated license list.
Dongle-based ETS6 licenses
1. Download the ETS6 setup from MyKNX and install ETS6.
2. Plug the KNX USB Licensing dongle sent by KNX Association into the computer for which the ETS6 license needs to be activated.
If ETS6 has just been ordered, wait until the dongle is delivered by UPS.
3. Launch ETS6.
4. The "Sign in With KNX ID" page will appear. Click on the "Sign in With KNX ID" button.
5. You will be redirected to your web browser. Enter the MyKNX credentials for the account where your ETS6 licenses are registered. Click the 'Sign In' button to proceed.
- If you do not have a MyKNX account, you can create one:
-Click the "Create Your KNX ID" link in the ETS window.
-Alternatively, click the "Sign Up" link in your web browser during the sign-in process. - If you have forgotten your MyKNX account password, you can reset it by clicking the respective link (Forgot Password in your web browser).
- If you only want to use the software in Demo mode, click the 'Run Demo' button.
An active internet connection is needed, thus if this is not the case, please use the manual licensing as explained in ETS6 manual licensing.
6. ETS6 connects in the background to the given MyKNX account, fetches and displays any available ETS6 licenses.
7. Select the license you want to activate and click the 'Activate' button.
8. Select the dongle on which the license shall be stored and click the 'Activate' button.
9. By doing that, ETS6 connects to the licensing server to verify the validity of the license, and then it stores it to the dongle. This means that the ETS6 is licensed and can be used.
After licensing ETS6 with a dongle, the ETS6 license is only active if the KNX USB Licensing dongle is plugged to the computer, otherwise ETS6 is switched to demo mode.
Manual licensing
Dongle-based ETS6 licenses
1. Download the ETS6 setup from MyKNX and install ETS6.
2. Plug the KNX USB Licensing dongle sent by KNX Association into the computer for which the ETS6 license needs to be activated.
If ETS6 has just been ordered, wait until the dongle is delivered by UPS.
3. Start your ETS6 and run it in Demo mode. Click on the 'Settings' button from the main toolbar on the Dashboard. Click afterwards on 'Licensing' in order to open the licensing window.
4. Within the licensing window, the KNX USB Licensing dongle ID is shown. It contains the word 'KNX-' and 8 hexadecimal characters. Press the 'Copy Dongle ID' button to copy it to the clipboard.
5. Sign in to MyKNX ( Open the 'Account-->Products' section. The obtained ETS6 licenses are listed in the 'Licenses' section.
6. Click the link 'Product License' of the respective product(s) and paste the KNX USB Licensing dongle ID that you copied from ETS6 in step 4. Once pasted, press the 'Add key' button in order to create the license.
7. After clicking the 'Add key' button, a link named 'Download License' appears. Clicking the link, triggers the download of a zip file. This zip file contains the actual license and is downloaded into the default 'Downloads' folder of the browser. Select your browser in order to locate the download folder.
7. Extract the content of the zip file. This is a file with the file extension '.license' and with a file name based on this pattern: 'ETS6 <License Type><License Number><Dongle ID>', where <License Number> is the license number of the license to be activated and where <Dongle ID> is either the KNX USB Licensing dongle ID.
8. Open your ETS6 and click on the 'Settings' button from the main toolbar on the Dashboard. Click afterwards on 'Licensing' in order to open the licensing window.
9. Click the 'Add License from file' button in order to locate the extracted license file.
10. Locate the license file, select it, then click the 'Open' button.
11. The ETS6 license will be shown after a few seconds, which means that the ETS6 is licensed and can be used.
After licensing ETS6 with a dongle, the ETS6 license is only active if the KNX USB Licensing dongle is plugged into the computer, otherwise ETS6 is switched to demo mode.