Guidelines for ensuring a smooth license upgrade and project safety.
Transitioning from older ETS versions to ETS6
When you transition from an older ETS license to an ETS6 license, it's crucial to understand the changes and take proactive steps to protect your projects:
License Accessibility:
Upgrading to an ETS6 license means your old ETS license will no longer appear for download in your MyKNX account due to its replacement.
Dongle Considerations:
- Your existing old ETS (3,4,5) license will continue to be available on your dongle, ensuring it's not erased during the upgrade.
- Keep in mind that if your dongle is lost or becomes non-functional, obtaining a replacement is not possible. Therefore, treating your dongle with care is paramount.
Project Security:
Prior to initiating the license upgrade to ETS6, make sure to export all your ETS projects as separate project files or project archive files (See here Import & Export and Convert ETS5 archived projects)
Neglecting to back up your projects and encountering issues with your dongle afterward will leave you unable to access your old ETS projects, with the only solution would be to use the chargeable Project Repair Service (Case 2).
By adhering to these guidelines during your upgrade from ETS3, ETS4 or ETS5 to ETS6, you can ensure a smooth transition and protect your projects from unforeseen complications.