Access roles
Once a person has been linked to an organization, meaning a personal account has been linked to an organization account, the administrator of the organization should assign his newly linked member an access role to define the parts of the organization account he will be able to access.
By default, a newly added member has 'no access' to the organization account.
Only once the access role is defined, the new member can access all or only specific items of the organization's menu. This user-specific characteristic of our MyKNX accounts is meant to protect all organization types from abuse.
Organization types
Depending on the type of your organization, i.e. Training center, Manufacturer, ETS App developer, etc, specific access roles were created, corresponding to the needs of the different organization types.
An organization type can be either:
1. None
2. Training Centre
3. Member
4. Manufacturer
5. ETS App Developer*
6. Online Catalog Admin*
7. Scientific partner
8. National Group
9. Test Lab
10. User Club
11. Associated partner
* This type requires the assignment of the 'Manufacturer' type
Be aware that an organization can be one or multiple organization types:
For example, a KNX Member can be as well a training centre and/or an ETS Apps developer.
Access roles and their access right to the different organization type
These two access roles are available in all organization types:
Possible access roles | Accessible items in MyKNX menu |
None (by default) | this person cannot access the organization at all |
Administrator | this person can access all the available menu items |
1. Access roles for organization type 'None'
Possible access roles | Accessible items in MyKNX menu |
Organization PurchaseDpt | Profile, Products, Vouchers |
Organization TechnicalDpt | Products |
2. Access roles for organization type 'Training Centre'
Possible access roles |
Accessible items in MyKNX menu |
Training Centre Administrator | Training Centre related tools, courses, exam tool, Applications, Documents, Stock, Organization member page, Profile, Products, Vouchers (Full access) |
Training Centre Technical Staff | purchased Software products |
Training Centre Tutor | Training Centre related tool, course creation, course details, exams |
Example of the menu a Training Centre Administrator can access:
Below is an example of the menu items a Training Centre Tutor can access:
3. Access roles for organization type 'Member'
Possible access roles |
Accessible items in MyKNX menu |
Member Manager | Membership(all), Applications, Documents(all), Organization member page, Profile, Products, Vouchers |
Member Staff | Products, Vouchers |
Member Technical Staff | Membership(partial), Products, Vouchers |
Member Certification Coordinator | Membership(partial), Manufacturer** |
Member Marketing | Membership (marketing services only) |
Below is an example of the menu items a Member Manager can access:
Below is an example of the menu items a Member Marketing can access:
4. Access roles for organization type 'Manufacturer'
Possible access roles | Accessible menu in MyKNX |
Member ETS App developer | Membership(partial), ETS Apps, Products, Vouchers |
Member Online Catalog Manager | Membership(partial), Online Catalog, Products, Vouchers |
Below is an example of the menu items a Member ETS App developer and
Member Online Catalog Manager can access:
5. Access roles for organization type 'Scientific Partner'
Possible access roles | Accessible menu in MyKNX |
Scientific Manager | Scientific (all), Applications, Documents (all), Organization member page, Profile, Products, Vouchers |
Scientific Professor | Scientific (partial), Products, Vouchers |
Below is an example of the menu items a Scientific Manager can access:
Below is an example of the menu items a Scientific Professor can access:
6. Access roles for organization type 'National Group'
Possible access roles | Accessible menu in MyKNX |
National Group Manager | National Group (all), Applications, Documents (all), Organization member page, Profile, Products, Vouchers |
National Group Member | Products, Vouchers |
Below is an example of the menu items a National Group Manager can access: